Tuesday, May 12, 2009

~~lOVe LessON~~


if you find urself in love with someone, and that someone does not love you.. be gentle to yourself, there is nothing wrong with you, but love just did not choose you to rest in that someone's heart.

if you find someone in love with you and you cannot answer that love.. feel honoured that love has come by and called on your door.. but gently refuse the feeling you cannot return, as love did not choose to settle in your heart.

if you find yourself in love with someone and the love return.. it still can happen that love chooses to leave.. do not try reclaim it and do not assess any blame.. let it go. despite the pain, there is a reason and meaning to this.. you cannot choose love by yourself, LOVE CHOOSE YOU!!

why ladies today are still single:

the nice man are ugly
the hansome men are not nice
the handsome and rich man are gay
the handsome, nice and hetrosexsual men are married
the men who are not so hansome, but are nice man, have no money
the hansome men without money are after our money
the handsome men, who are not so nice and somewhat hetrosexsual, don't think we are beautigul enough
the men who think we are beautiful, that are hetrosexsual, somewhat nice and have money are cowards
the men who are somewhat hansome, somewhat nice and have some money and thank God are hetrosexsual, are shy and never make the first move!!
the men who never make the first move, automatically lose interest in us when we take the initiative

Moral: aiiyoo post yg nieh ako xtau ape moral nyer.huhu.hurmmm klu sape2 yg bace n rase ader moral value nyer y not share komen la=D


against constancy said...

This is true. All of this is true.

latte said...

moralnya sila dptkan balak cpt2.wekekekke..=p

jatt said...

moral values:guys skrang byk sumthing wrong..wahahaaa

jasjamal said...

yeah!!sumer betol!!
lat=weyh ko ingat ape nak carik balak mcm carik ikan dipasar kah?tuh pon yg dah nyawa2 ikan=P haha